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Shreya & Nikitha
Dec 20, 2020
Menstruation in India
Menstruation taboos are very prevalent throughout the world, but in India, there are also many menstrual taboos that are based on...

Shreya & Nikitha
Dec 13, 2020
Islamophobia: Dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force. Orientalism is one of the main reasons for...

Shreya & Nikitha
Dec 6, 2020
The Double Standard
No matter the race or ethnicity, it’s common that boys are given much more freedom than girls. However, this seems to be much more...

Shreya & Nikitha
Nov 22, 2020
The "Value" of Girls.
As mentioned in our Gender Stereotypes post, men play a “vital” role in the South Asian Community. “Men will bring the money.” “Our son...

Shreya & Nikitha
Nov 15, 2020
Before we begin today’s post we would like to apologize for not posting last week. Although we originally planned on doing a Boy vs. Girl...

Shreya & Nikitha
Oct 25, 2020
The Stigma of Mental Health
In 2017, 14.53% of Indians were diagnosed with Substance Abuse and Mental Health disorders, and on top of that, the same year, the...

Shreya & Nikitha
Oct 18, 2020
Navratri is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin, around September or October. “Nav” means nine and...

Shreya & Nikitha
Oct 11, 2020
Interracial Relationships
Interracial relationships are still taboo in most of India. Although interracial relationships are becoming more accepted, Indian society...

Shreya & Nikitha
Oct 4, 2020
Fashion & Cultural Appropriation
A common situation that a lot of Indian American teen girls face is that they are told they can wear lengha or sari blouses but not crop...

Shreya & Nikitha
Sep 27, 2020
Our Take: Never Have I Ever+Indian Matchmaking
Never Have I Ever, written by Mindy Kaling, is one of the first shows to have a South Asian, more specifically, a South Indian, as the...

Shreya & Nikitha
Sep 19, 2020
The Double Life
There is no balance. A Desi openly speaks about going to the temple this coming weekend: too Indian. A Desi only has only Non-Desi...

Shreya & Nikitha
Sep 11, 2020
South Indian Underrepresentation
India is a beautiful country; from the deserts in Rajasthan to the wetlands of Tamil Nadu, India has a lot to offer. However, the bottom...
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